what's on this week at Christ Church

... what's happening around Christ Church over the coming weeks!

Sawubona !! A warm welcome to the Anglican Parish of Christ Church in Geelong, from our Vicar Fr Lankiri Thaba and from the Ministry Team, and from everyone who is part of this faith community -

.... from this page you can go to -

Blueball There was a recording of part of the 8am Eucharist on 19th January - just click on the link if you'd like to listen to the Gospel Reading and Fr Lankiri's sermon entitled - Get up... and do what God Calls you to do.... and watch what God can do when you play your part... Blueball The recording from Sunday 26th January will be available shortly. Next week on Sunday 2nd February will be the the Fourth Sunday after Epiphany.

Blueball our Christmas Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols (59:13) recorded at Christ Church on 15th December is also still available to watch/listen to again, as was theChristmas Eve Midnight Mass (1:08:44) if you want to re-visit this service or hear Fr Lankiri's Christmas message again!

Blueball the New Year at Christ Church- in January and until the first Sunday in February there will be no 5.15pm Eucharist in Sundays, and no Meditation on Tuesdays, but other service times remain the same.

Blueball Hope25 - the Parish is participating in Hope25 - from Easter Day to Pentecost in 2025 - it's an initiative from the Diocese to strengthen and grow churches across the Diocese and beyond. You can be involved and can find out more about the vision the Anglican Church has for Hope25 from the website at https://www.hope25.com.au - receive monthly email updates, insights, practical steps you can take, and join a national monthly Zoom prayer meeting. Check out the Hope25 website and get involved!

Blueball ... and some things to read from this page include the weekly Parish Notices and Announcements (found in the Service Booklet very week, and usually mentioned towards the end of each church service), the most recent Chronicle (published quarterly by the Parish in March, June, September and December each year), and the most recent Melbourne Anglican Magazine (published monthly by the Diocese in on-line or printed version).

Christ Church is on the corner of Moorabool and McKillop Streets in Geelong, and is usually open for private time, prayer or just to visit every weekday from 12noon until 2pm. You can find out more about the Parish from the links on the home page.

updated 25th January 2025
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